RapidDbic "Chinook" Demo
This demo provides a tutorial of RapidApp's powerful database features, provided by the turn-key "RapidDbic" plugin. The demo shows the full process of creating a working application from scratch, using the free "Chinook" sample database (chinookdatabase.codeplex.com) for the backend.
"4-Track" Demo
Instead of just 2 tracks ( video & audio), like a typical turtorial video, this demo has 4 tracks – video, audio, code and commands. Each "frame" of the demo has been recorded with corresponding positions within the companion Git repository (i.e. commit logs) and command history file (cmd_history.sh) in which all commands, changes, commits and narrative text comments (used as "slides") have been recorded interactively throughout the demo.
For a more complete explanation of how this works, see the short intro video: Part 1.1 - Intro.
Companion Git Repo (code & commands):
Step-by-step Command History:
Each video segment corresponds to specific commits and lines in cmd_history.sh which are shown and linked to below. For convenience, each video part is available as either a large, single video, or sub-divided into several smaller videos, as shown below.
Part 1 - Intro, Agenda & Setup
Part 2 - RapidDbic Basics
Part 3 - Auth & Saved Views
Coming soon...