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Download video file: chinook_part_1.1_intro.mp4
cmd_history.sh#L1-L25 |
Welcome to the RapidApp "Chinook" demo.
Across the videos in this series, I'll be demonstating just how fast and easy it is to create data-rich web applications with RapidApp, by interactively building one from scratch, step-by-step.
This application will be built around the freely available Chinook sample database, to demonstrate RapidApp's powerful suite of database features, which are bundled in the turn-key "RapidDbic" plugin of the RapidApp distribution.
We'll start with generalized, out-of-the-box base interfaces and functions, like grids, CRUD interfaces, query builders, custom views, users and permissions, and so on, and then progressively customize and extend unique examples, including integration with existing code from the Perl, Catalyst and DBIC ecosystems.
In an effort to make this demo as efficient and useful as possible, every step is not only shown in the video portion, but also commited to a repository on Github, which includes both source code and shell command history.
In fact, this *is* the shell we'll be working in, which is an SSH session on a Linux box, and is why I'm using these simple text comments instead of fancy slides, so they are a part of the command history, which is being recorded to the file 'cmd_history.sh' in the repo, as you can see here.
So, this demo is a truly "multi-media" experience -- video, audio, code and commands.
The idea is to make it easy to jump around to specific sections and topics, while still maintaining the continuity of a full step-by-step tutorial. So it is up to you how to use this demo. You can watch the video parts in order, or browse the repository and refer to the video only when you want a more detailed explanation of a particular change, command or feature.
For support, or to learn more about the RapidApp project, please visit the #rapidapp IRC channel on irc.perl.org